Friday, May 8, 2020

Visual and Audible Content for Job Search

Visual and Audible Content for Job Search This is a two-for-one post!  Learn why you should use visual and audible content to highlight your qualifications. Bonus: it includes a podcast with Chris Russell on CareerCloud radio (and me!). Heres my confession.  I used to think I was a resume-hater, but Ive come to realize, Im really a job posting-hater. Job descriptions stink  and as a result, your resume stinks!  (See this post by Lou Adler on LinkedIn and see why I say this.) So Id like to propose everyone stop playing the submit-your-resume game. (Not likely to happen. But if you will indulge me for just a few more seconds) Wouldnt you prefer to have a recruiter reach out to  you and ask about your qualifications and tell you about a job than crossing your fingers waiting for a response from submitting your online application? This can only happen if you are find-able online. Or, you have done a great job keeping in contact with your network! Recruiters have added additional resources to help them identify candidates. Only they know the key skills and experience they are looking for. Rather than create a job posting, opening the floodgates of unqualified candidates, it is safer and easier to mine  LinkedIn and other social networks to find people (either employed or unemployed, looking for a new job or not) with the right combination of skills and experience. Can you be found? What exactly will someone learn about you? Will you provide enough information and insight into your work ethic and personality so you get called? This is the first step. Create Visual Content Remember when you were a kid and you only wanted to read books that had pictures? Why was that? Maybe your reading skills werent so great. Maybe it was easier to look at pictures, or maybe it was more fun to look at pictures. Whatever the reason, visuals are still an important component, even as an adult. We are drawn to visuals. They shout from the page (paper or electronic). Some people like visuals better than others. Isnt it worth trying? The Infographic Resume (Thanks McGraw Hill Education) I recently wrote The Infographic Resume to help you  understand how visuals (infographics, pictures, etc) can supplement your career portfolio. Oh, and yes, you should have some form of online portfolio! Now Create Audible Content Im not ready to begin podcasting myself, but I know some pretty talented podcasters. I was fortunate enough to speak with Chris Russell of CareerCloud about the trends around visual resumes. (I think resume is a misleading term because in most cases you wont use your visual resume when you apply online for a job. It is an employer magnet, or supplement to your career materials). Heres Chriss great visual and link to the podcast! Kudos to Daniel Tewfik and Natalie Tarpinian who were featured in The Infographic Resume as well! And some people love podcastsisnt it worth including them (Im asking myself this question too!) Or you can listen  to the podcast right here. (on CareerCloud radio) Proactively Manage Your Online Visibility Jump on  this ASAP. Google yourself and see what comes up on page one. Ive written about this topica lot. See those posts here: Claim Your Digital Terrain Want some quick tips on creating a visual resume? Download this  free cheatsheet!

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